930+ Million Users on LinkedIn.

Waiting to be engaged and follow your corporate story.

Comprehensive audit and update of your LinkedIn company profile and CEO’s personal profile.

Content Creation

Creation and distribution of new content from the company and CEO for your growing list of connections and followers.

Outreach campaigns to individuals and audiences based on your industry and business needs.

Need a personalized LinkedIn solution?

The importance of professionally branding your CEO and company on LinkedIn has increased dramatically as top Google searches frequently result in LinkedIn profiles, not you or your corporate website.

About Us

Engagement & introductions with zero dedicated time from executives.

LinkedIn has become an important repository for discovering, connecting and engaging with investors, industry experts and new partners.

Discover, connect and engage with investors, industry experts and new partners.

Profile Review & Rebuild

We first conduct a comprehensive audit of your LinkedIn company profile and CEO’s personal profile. Imagery and design is then brought up-to-date with your corporate brand. Content is updated, added and refined to maximize internal and external search results. Messaging is improved to tell your complete corporate story and illustrate your CEO’s leadership and industry depth of experience.

Corporate Content

We handle the creation and distribution of new content from the company and CEO to your growing list of connections and followers. Including:

  • Press Releases
  • Events, Investor Days & Earnings Calendar
  • Company Blog Posts, News Articles & Media Mentions
  • CEO Quotes, Podcasts & Video Interviews
  • Customized Copy, Graphics, Charts & Infographics

News & Media Content

In conjunction with the distribution of company news, we utilize our sector expertise and media monitoring to discover, curate and post news in your specific industry to increase your visibility. These posts are designed to position the CEO as a thought leader and expert, and are additionally distributed in key LinkedIn groups. We can also facilitate the creation of new groups to help target specific audiences and build additional members.

Get a personal consultation.